2 min read

Category Manager: Update the hierarchy of your store


The Poq platform can ingest a dedicated category feed with extra metadata such as image URLs and deep links, that the product feed otherwise couldn’t. However, your category feed may not be able to exactly match the category hierarchy that you want to be made available to your app. For instance, you may want to include some app-exclusive categories, update the display name of a category, or remove some categories that you don’t want to appear in the app.

If you are unable to update your category feed, changes can be made by using the Category Manager. The changes you make using this web tool will be visible in your navigation tree throughout the Poq platform and will continue to be reproduced on newly ingested category feeds.

In this guide we refer to the different types of categories as root, branch and leaf.

RootA category that appears at the top of the navigation tree. They do not have a parent category and create the entry point for customer navigation.
BranchA category that has child categories beneath it. They direct to their list of child categories, instead of a set of a products.
LeafThe final entity of a path within a category heierarchy. Does not have any child categories. Directs to a set of products.

If your app has a category feed, opening the Category Manager will initially display a list of the root categories in your navigation tree. The rows can be selected or unselected with the checkbox to inspect and edit in the inspector, located on the right-hand side of the Category Manager.

Clicking the category image or name also selects the category.

Branch categories have a chevron that will navigate the Category Manager into that category, displaying a list of it’s children. You can traverse through your app’s navigation tree using this method. To traverse up the tree, use the breadcrumbs at the top left of the Category Manager. Using the search input can be a more efficient way of navigating the tree if you know the name of the category you want to inspect.

Adding a new category

New leaf categories can be added at the root or within an existing branch category. To add a new category,

  1. Navigate to the branch where the new category will reside.
  2. Click Add category in the right-hand side inspector.
  3. Give the new category a unique ID and display name with optional deep link and image.
  4. Click Create to add the category to the branch.

Updating a category

A category’s display name, deep link URL or image can be updated as well as its sort order amongst its siblings in a branch category.

To sort a category, drag the child category to the desired position using the drag handle at the far left of the category row.

To update a category, select a single category and the inspector will display a form where you can change the editable properties. Click Save to commit to the changes.

Deleting a category

Deleting a category in the Category Manager will remove the category from the tree and will result in its children no longer being visible.

To delete a category, select the desired category (or multiple categories at a time) and click Delete category in the right-hand side inspector.

Reset your changes

If you want to reset your changes, it is possible to remove all of the actions that have been created within the Category Manager. Your app’s navigation tree will return to its state as of the most recent category feed run.

To reset your changes,

  1. Go to the top level of your navigation tree in the Category Manager.
  2. Click Reset categories in the right-hand side inspector.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete all your actions by clicking Reset.

Shop banners

Your app’s navigation is displayed to your users beneath a banner image on the Shop screen. The image can be uploaded or replaced in the Category Manager.

The form for editing the shop banner is available when first opening the Category Manager, when no categories are selected at the top (root) of the navigation tree.

  1. Drag or click Upload a banner to upload an image asset.
  2. Wait for the file to upload.
  3. Once uploaded, a preview of the shop banner will be shown in the inspector.
You have successfully replaced the banner image for your Shop screen.