Custom data

Add custom data in WishlistData model

To add custom data to the WishlistData model you need to:

  1. Receive your custom data in the network model NetworkWishlist.
  2. Create a new implementation of Mapper<Any, Map<String, Any>>.
  3. Provide your new mapper via Koin using the name wishlistDataCustomMapToAnyMapperName.

Add custom data to WishlistItem Model

To add custom data to the WishlistItem model you need to:

  1. Receive your custom data in the network model NetworkWishlistItem.
  2. Create a new implementation of Mapper<Any, Map<String, Any>>.
  3. Provide your new mapper via Koin using the name wishlistItemCustomMapToAnyMapperName.

Add custom data to WishlistVariant Model

To add custom data to the WishlistVariant model you need to:

  1. Receive your custom data in the network model NetworkWishlistVariant.
  2. Create a new implementation of Mapper<Any, Map<String, Any>>.
  3. Provide your new mapper via Koin using the name wishlistVariantCustomMapToAnyMapperName.