1 min read

Production release

In this tutorial we only create production release for the West EU region. Cross region deployment should be applied in the same manner.


  • Release for Staging environment working as expected
  • Infrastructure created on Production
  • All required configuration is available for Production environment


  1. Open azure-pipeline-release.yml and add following section replacing “clientname” with [yourclientname] keeping same casing:
- stage: prodrelease
displayName: Release Production
- group: 'Connection Strings - Production'
- group: 'ClientName Variables - Production'
dependsOn: stagingrelease
- template: Pipelines/TaskGroups/release-netcore-v2-with-tests.yml@templates
environment: 'prod'
location: 'westeurope'
appService: 'poq-clientName-prod-weu-app'
appServiceResourceGroup: 'poq-clientName-prod-weu-rg'
azureServiceConnection: 'poq-clientName (poq-clientName-vsts-sp)'
isFunctionApp: 'false'
postmanCollectionId: ${{ parameters.postmanCollectionId }}
postmanEnvironmentId: ${{ parameters.postmanEnvironmentId }}
Please note that in general this piece should be already configured if you used code from template and configured Dev release successfully.

For client name Yourbrand section will look like this:

- stage: prodrelease
displayName: Release Production
- group: 'Connection Strings - Production'
- group: 'YourBrand Variables - Production'
dependsOn: stagingrelease
- template: Pipelines/TaskGroups/release-netcore-v2-with-tests.yml@templates
environment: 'prod'
location: 'westeurope'
appService: 'poq-yourbrand-prod-weu-app'
appServiceResourceGroup: 'poq-yourbrand-prod-weu-rg'
azureServiceConnection: 'poq-yourbrand (poq-yourbrand-vsts-sp)'
isFunctionApp: 'false'
postmanCollectionId: ${{ parameters.postmanCollectionId }}
postmanEnvironmentId: ${{ parameters.postmanEnvironmentId }}
  1. Create Variable Group “[YourClientName] - Production” and add following values to it:
    1. Apps.[appIdentifier].Sfcc.ClientId : [OcapiClientIdValue]
  2. Create Variable Group “ConnectionStrings - Staging” and add following values to it:
    1. Redis.ConnectionString : [RedisConnectionStringValue]
  3. Create and submit PR for BFC API
  4. Merge the PR
  5. Code should be released up to Dev automatically
  6. Approve Staging release
  7. Make sure that Staging Release completes successfully
  8. Approve Production release
  9. Make sure that Production Release completes successfully
Congratulations, you have successfully configured the Release pipeline for Staging environment.

See Next