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Common customisations

Create new fields

If you need to create a new field, for a new country form or for an existing one, you need to:

  • Define an id for you new field or reuse an existing one. If you reuse the same id for 2 fields, i.e. same field on different country forms, they will share the same value.
  • Initialize your new fields states on GetAddressValidation adding the validation.
  • Use getValidationField to get the value of your new field from SaveAddressFormDTO.addressState.validationFields, the error from SaveAddressFormDTO.addressState.errors and create the Composable with these values.

Modify existing validations

If you want to modify existing field validations, you need to:

  • Override GetAddressValidation or the country specific validator.
  • Replace on the returning Map the ValidationMutableStateField for the field id you want, keeping the same mutableState value.
    class CustomGetAddressValidation(
    private val delegate: GetAddressValidation,
    ) : GetAddressValidation {
    override fun invoke(
    countryCode: CountryCode?,
    currentValidationFields: Map<String, ValidationMutableStateField<*>>,
    ): Map<String, ValidationMutableStateField<*>> {
    val map = delegate(countryCode, currentValidationFields)
    return map.toMutableMap().apply {
    this[ID_TO_REPLACE] = ValidationMutableString(
    value = getValidationField<String>(ID_TO_REPLACE)?.value ?: mutableStateOf(""),
    validationList = emptyList(), // New validation
    isMandatory = true,

Add extra fields to all or specific country forms

The different country forms, and BaseSaveAddressForm, have composable slots to include new fields. To use them, you need to:

  • Extend PoqSaveAddressScreen and override the function AddressCountryFormSelector.
  • Create your new fields and add them to the appropriate slot included in SaveAddressFormDTO.

From PoqSaveAddressScreen.addressCountryFormSelector you have the choice to include your new fields to all country forms or only when saveAddressFormDTO.addressState.countryCode matches with the country code you want to modify.

New Country form

SaveAddressScreen supports specific forms per country. If you want to create a new form for a country, you need to:

Remove fields from BaseSaveAddressForm

BaseSaveAddressForm, the common Composable to all forms screens, allows remove its fields. To do so you only need to send null on the appropiate label on BaseSaveAddressLabels. If you need to remove fields from a specific country, you can decorate BaseSaveAddressForm passing null on the appropiate labels when saveAddressFormDTO.addressState.countryCode matches with your desired country.