Loyalty Rewards
Available from v25The Loyalty Rewards screen presents a list of rewards that a user is eligible.
Rewards Screen
Rewards main view uses a state transitioning container to transition between states (loading, error, empty).
Whilst the screen is loading the views are replaced with dynamic loading skeletons. Buttons and text elements within cells are replaced with shimmering loading areas.
When no rewards are found the view transitions to an empty view.
When the API returns an error the view transitions to an error view displaying the error and a retry button. Tapping retry restarts the loading process.
Reward view
The reward view is a widget that controls its state. It handles navigation, alerting and makes an API call to apply a reward.
If a reward is expired or already applied, the reward cell is greyed out.
When the Apply to Bag
button is tapped loading indicator on the button is displayed to show the ongoing task.
Tapping Show Barcode
opens reward details screen.
Reward Details
The reward details screen displays information about the reward including the barcode.
There is no deeplink for the details screen as reward data is forwarded from the reward cell.