1 min read


Last Updated - Platform 18.1 - SDK 13.0

Middleware handle interaction across features or services.

Loading data

repository: Container.shared.repositories.productListRepository(),
wishlist: Container.shared.repositories.wishlistItemRepository()

Middleware to handle retrieving the ProductList domain object from the data layer.

Handles the following actions:

ServiceAction.ProductList.fetch: Attempts to retrieve a ProductList from the ProductListRepository. Dispatches ServiceAction.ProductList.fetched on completion.

ServiceAction.ProductList.fetchPage: Attempts to retrieve a page of the ProductList from the ProductListRepository. Dispatches ServiceAction.ProductList.fetchedPage on completion.

.withRouterMiddleware(.productListNavigation(navigator: Container.shared.navigator()))

Middleware to handle navigation actions.

Handles the following NavigationAction destinations:

ProductListNavigationDestination.filterSelection: Builds and presents the FilterSelectionViewController using .withDelegateMiddleware(using: store.dispatch) to allow the Filter Selection feature to apply selected Filters to the current state.

Currently the Filter Selection feature is built by this middleware. To customise it you must also customise this middleware and override this action.

ProductListNavigationDestination.sortSelection: Builds and presents the SortSelectionViewController using .withDelegateMiddleware(using: store.dispatch) to allow the Sort Selection feature to apply a selected SortOrder to the the current state.

Currently the Sort Selection feature is built by this middleware. To customise it you must also customise this middleware and override this action.

ProductListNavigationDestination.product: Uses the navigator to open the Product Details feature via its deeplink using the passed product and listing ids.

Apply filters


Middleware to handle changes to the Filter selection by dispatching an action to re-retrieve the ProductList.

Handles the following actions:

FilterSelectionAction: Dispatched from the Filter Selection feature delegate middleware. Dispatches ServiceAction.ProductList.fetch to attempt to re-retrieve the ProductList domain object with the new Filter selection.

Apply sort order


Middleware to handle changes to the SortOrder by dispatching an action to re-retrieve the ProductList.

Handles the following actions:

SortSelectionAction: Dispatched from the Sort Selection feature delegate middleware. Dispatches ServiceAction.ProductList.fetch to attempt to re-retrieve the ProductList domain object with the new SortOrder selection.