The Poq UI Composables are fully customizable and they use App Styling internally to adapt automatically to your app style. Click here to learn more about Poq Composables. The available Poq UI Composables are:
- Screens:
- Texts:
- Buttons:
- Others:
- DropdownTextField
- InfiniteHorizontalPagerIndicator
- ListItemOneLineWithIcon
- LoadingShimmer
- Price
- ProductCardHorizontal
- ProductCardVertical
- PoqBarcode
- PoqHorizontalPagerIndicator
- PoqDialog
- PoqImage
- PoqPullToRefresh
- PoqTabRow
- PoqTextField
- PoqTopAppBar
- PoqPasswordTextField
- ProductImage
- PromotionBar
- PoqRating
- SelectableRatingBar
- SelectableRatingRow