Feature module

The loyalty feature module includes all the presentation logic required to display loyalty my account cards, club card, rewards, reward details, and activities screens. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle:

implementation ("com.poqstudio:account.loyalty:$VERSION_NAME")

Loyalty content

Loyalty content architecture

The general architecture of the Loyalty content screen
The general architecture of the Loyalty content screen

  • LoyaltyActivity is the entry point to the loyalty screens.
  • LoyaltyClubCardFragment is the main fragment for the loyalty club card screen.
  • LoyaltyClubCardFragmentDelegate is the fragment delegate for the loyalty club card screen.
  • LoyaltyRewardsFragment is the main fragment for the loyalty rewards list screen.
  • LoyaltyRewardsFragmentDelegate is the fragment delegate for the loyalty rewards list screen.
  • LoyaltyRewardDetailsFragment is the main fragment for the reward details screen.
  • LoyaltyRewardDetailsFragmentDelegate is the fragment delegate for the reward details screen.
  • LoyaltyRewardsViewModel is the ViewModel used by Rewards List and Reward Details screens.
  • LoyaltyActivitiesFragment is the main fragment for the loyalty activities list screen.
  • LoyaltyActivitiesFragmentDelegate is the fragment delegate for the loyalty actvities list screen.
  • LoyaltyActivitiesViewModel is the ViewModel used by Activities screen.