1 min read
Feature module
The Dynamic content feature module includes all the presentation logic required to display the SlotComponents
. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle
implementation ("com.poqstudio:content.dynamiccontent:$VERSION_NAME")
Dynamic content SDK can render different UI components called SlotComponents. These are the supported SlotComponents
- Primitive:
- Button: it shows a button with primary, secondary or tertiary styles.
- Empty: it shows nothing, i.e.: an HorizontalSplitter with an empty component.
- Text: it shows text with the style and alignment received.
- Image: it shows a full width image respecting its aspect ratio.
- Spacer: it shows a Spacer with the provided height.
- Video: it shows a full width video with no controls, which plays looping indefinitely when more than 50% of its surface is visible. When multiple videos are visible, the one closest to the center of the screen will play.
- Container:
- HorizontalSplitter: it shows its childs components in a row splitting the space equally.
- ScrollableColumn: it shows its childs components in a column.
- Carousel:
- SquareImageCarousel: it shows an image carousel with square images.
- PeekImageCarousel: it shows an image carousel, the image width will be 80% of the screen width and the height will respect the original image aspect ratio.
- FullWidthImageCarousel: it shows an image carousel, the image will cover the entire width of the screen and the height will respect the original image aspect ratio.
- RecentlyViewed: it shows a recently viewed carousel.
- UrlProductCarousel: it shows a UrlProductCarousel.
SlotComponents support SlotComponentModifier, modifiers that change SlotComponents
and are supported by all SlotComponents
. These are similar to Compose modifiers and they are mapped into Compose modifiers on the presentation layer. These are the supported modifiers:
: it applies paddingAccessibility
: it adds a content description.