Inbox Details

The Inbox Details screen presents a single inbox message.

This feature can load its inbox message from the InboxService. An inbox service must be injected by a supporting provider for this.

inbox details


Replace id with the message identifier.

Internally, when navigating from the Inbox screen, the message is passed directly to avoid any additional load. Navigating using an id will fetch the inbox message.


When the user taps the delete button they are shown an alert to confirm they wish to clear the inbox. The message can be overridden using a localized string.

When the user deletes the message, the deleted tag is added to the message. Inbox services should handle this as a delete operation.


The main content view presents the message image, title and body as simple text. Actions are handled separately and this view does not handle HTML text unless customised.


Inbox message actions are presented as buttons under the main content of the view. There is no limit to the amount of actions a message has; the buttons are vertically stacked and the whole screen can be scrolled.

Actions are deeplinks that are handled by the ViewController.