Feature module

The wishlist v3 feature module includes all the presentation logic required to display wishlist screen. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle:

implementation ("com.poqstudio:catalogue.wishlistv3:$VERSION_NAME")


The general architecture of the wishlist screen
The general architecture of the wishlist screen

  • WishlistActivity is the entry point to the wishlist screen.
  • WishlistFragment is the main fragment for the wishlist screen.
  • WishlistView controls the visibility of the elements in the screen. It also initialises WishlistRecyclerViewAdapter with the information received from WishlistViewModel and handles the navigation of the screen.
  • WishlistViewModel is the main ViewModel that coordinates the rest of the ViewModels.
  • WishlistItemViewModel is ViewModel for the wishlist items.
  • WishlistNumberOfItemsViewModel is ViewModel for the number of items item.

Views breakdown

The Wishlist screen is broken down into different views:

The Views in the Wishlist screen
The Views in the Wishlist screen


Styles breakdown

The recommended way of styling Wishlist screen is by using App Styling. If you need more granular customisation, you can override the specific style and provide your own. The styles for the Wishlist screen are shown in the image below:

Style elements in the Wishlist screen
Style elements in the Wishlist screen