1 min read


Last Updated - Platform 25.0 - SDK 20.0

The PoqAppsFlyer integration allows the AppsFlyer SDK to be plugged into the PoqSDK.

Set up


  1. Make sure the AppsFlyer dashboard is set up and note down your AppsFlyer dev key.
  2. Add the PoqAppsFlyer framework from the URL above to your project. How?
  3. Add the AppStoreIdentifier key with the correct value to your Info.plist. You can find this through AppStoreConnect.
  4. Register the integration in your AppDelegate.swift.
import PoqAppsFlyer
class AppDelegate: BaseAppDelegate {
override func setupModules() {
PoqPlatform.shared.addModule(PoqAppsFlyer(key: "{dev-key}"))
  1. Continue to set up one links and uninstall measurement.

Universal links are web links that the OS can intercept to redirect users into the native app instead of the website. AppsFlyer and other providers host and update an AASA file on a webpage (using a specified or generated domain) to handle these redirects.

These links are enriched by AppsFlyer with tracking details and handled when the user does not have the app by directing them to either the AppStore or some other destination. AppsFlyer call these enriched links OneLinks.

A developer must configure the app to register its association with these links.

  1. Enable the Associated Domains capability for your app in Xcode and against the App Identifier in the Apple developer portal.
  2. Add the Associated Domains applink matching the subdomain value set in the AppsFlyer dashboard for the OneLink template in Xcode.
  1. Regenerate your provisioning profiles to include the associated domain capability.

Uninstall measurement

Remote notifications can be used to determine the size of an audience. When a remove notification fails to be delivered that can indicate that a user has uninstalled the app. AppsFlyer can use silent notifications (sent daily) to measure uninstalls.

A developer will need to set up the app in the AppsFlyer dashboard with a valid APNs certificate or key to enable this feature. Follow the AppsFlyer documentation to do this.

Developer Mode

AppsFlyer will continue to work against the same projects as the live app in developer mode.

This means that any fake purchase revenue from development environments will be tracked against the live app.


  • 7.0 (Oct 23): Release for Poq SDK 20 (v25).
  • 6.0 (Mar 23): Release for Poq SDK 19 (v24) adopting the new analytics layer.
  • 5.0 (Nov 22): Release for Poq SDK 18 (v23).
  • Releases...