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Deep links

Deep linking consists of using a hyperlink that links to a specific piece of content within an app. The specific content could be a screen or a certain tab.

When you enter a deep link using our App Manager, your app will check if it is a valid in-app link and open the targeted content. To form a deep link, sometimes you need a piece of information from the CMS like a product ID. Most of the native screens like order history, shop tab etc. will have their unique hyperlink without extra parameters needed.


Screen NameDeep link URLRequired Parameters
Address Book Screenaddressbook
Bag Tabbag
Edit My Profile ScreeneditMyProfile
List of Child Pages Screenpages/{parentPageID}ID of the parent page can be found under Pages section
Login Form ScreenLogin
Lookbooklookbook?lookbook_id={lookbookID}ID of the lookbook can be found under Lookbooks section
Order History Screenorders
Pagepages/detail/{pageID}ID of the page can be found under Pages section
Parent Category Screencategory/{categoryID}ID of the product category can be found under Products section
Product Barcode Scan Screenscan
Product Categoryproducts/category/{categoryID}ID of the product category can be found under Products section
Product Details Screenproducts/detail/{productID}ID of the product can be found under Products section
Shop Tabbag
Signup Form Screensignup
Store Details Screenstores/detail/{storeID}ID of the store can be found under Stores section
Store List Screenstores
Visual Searchvisual/search
Wishlist Tabwishlist