Message Inbox

The Message Inbox is a base implementation for third party inbox providers to reach their audience with inbox messages.

Without any customisation, Message Inbox - List screen looks like this:

Message Inbox - List screens
Message Inbox - List screens

Without any customisation, Message Inbox - Message Details screens looks like this:

Message Inbox - Message Details screens
Message Inbox - Message Details screens

Start using the Message Inbox SDK

To start using it, you need to:

  1. Add the feature module to your build.gradle
    implementation ("com.poqstudio:notifications.inbox:$VERSION_NAME")
  2. Include the specific third party Message Provider.
  3. Open the screen using InboxActivity. Message Inbox screen accepts messageId as a parameter, you can use InboxActivity.getStartIntent to get the appropriate Intent.
  4. Include the inbox content block in CMS.

The Message Inbox SDK is composed of these modules:

Koin modules

The Message Inbox SDK dependencies are injected using Koin. Message Ibox SDK provides the default dependencies definitions via these Koin modules:

Message Inbox SDK provides two new deep links:

  • ://inbox: it opens InboxActivity with InboxFragment on top.
  • ://inbox/message/{id}: it opens InboxActivity with InboxMessageDetailFragment on top.

Message Inbox Providers

The Message Inbox SDK does not contain a message provider it self, it rely on Third Party providers that will handle the messages storage and status.

Some platform integrations already include the Message Inbox Provider:

How to add a new message provider

To add a new message provider:

  1. Provide a custom provider implementation for the InboxMessageProvider interface.
  2. Provide a custom Koin module to inject the custom provider implementation:
    import org.koin.dsl.module
    val customModule = module {
    factory<InboxMessageProvider> { CustomInboxMessageProvider() }