
Last Updated - Platform 22.0 - SDK 17.0

The Wishlist is an optional feature that is included in most apps, built using the Wishlist API, which presents a paged list of items that have been added to the Wishlist by the user.



WishlistPresent items that have been added to the Wishlist by the user from the Wishlist API.
Any LevelWishlist products at Product, Listing (default) or Variant level. Or any combination of those.
Color SwitcherPresent a color switcher on any wishlist item. Enabled by default for Product level items.
Local StorageUses and updates a CoreData local store of wishlist item identifiers to provide a cache for other features.
PaginationFetches pages of product information from the Product API using the locally stored wishlist item identifiers.
Alternate SourcesContinue using your v2 backend or use a device only Wishlist (useful for testing).

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