2 min read

Feature module

The account feature module includes all the presentation logic required to display account content, register, login, and edit profile screens. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle:

implementation ("com.poqstudio:account.account:$VERSION_NAME")

Account content

Account content architecture

The general architecture of the Account content screen
The general architecture of the Account content screen

  • AccountActivity is the entry point to the Account SDK.
  • AccountFragment is the main fragment for account content screen.
  • AccountView is the main view for account content screen.
  • AccountViewModel is the main ViewModel that coordinates the rest of the ViewModels and observe ObserveAccountContent.
  • BaseAccountRecyclerViewAdapter is the adapter for the account content blocks.
  • BaseUiAccountContentBannerViewHolder is the view holder for banner block.
  • AccountContentBannerViewModel is the ViewModel for banner block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentLinkViewHolder is the view holder for link block.
  • AccountContentLinkViewModel is the ViewModel for link block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentLoginRegisterViewHolder is the view holder for login/register block.
  • AccountContentLoginRegisterViewModel is the ViewModel for login/register block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentLogoutViewHolder is the view holder for logout block.
  • AccountContentLogoutViewModel is the ViewModel for logout block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentSpaceViewHolder is the view holder for space block.
  • AccountContentSpaceViewModel is the ViewModel for space block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentTitleViewHolder is the view holder for title block.
  • AccountContentTitleViewModel is the ViewModel for title block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentWelcomeViewHolder is the view holder for welcome block.
  • AccountContentWelcomeViewModel is the ViewModel for welcome block.
  • BaseUiAccountContentCustomViewHolder is the view holder for your custom blocks.

Account content view breakdown

The Account content screen is broken down into different views:

The Views in the Account content screens
The Views in the Account content screens


Account content styles breakdown

The recommended way of styling Account content screen is by using App Styling. If you need more granular customisation, you can override the specific style and provide your own. The styles for the Account content screen are shown in the image below:

Style elements in the Account content screen
Style elements in the Account content screen


Register architecture

The general architecture of the Register screen
The general architecture of the Register screen

  • RegisterActivity is the entry point to the register screen.
  • RegisterFragment is the main fragment for register screen.
  • RegisterView is the main view for register screen.
  • RegisterViewModel is the register ViewModel.

Register view breakdown

The Register screen is broken down into different views:

The Views in the Register screen
The Views in the Register screen


Register styles breakdown

The recommended way of styling Register screen is by using App Styling. If you need more granular customisation, you can override the specific style and provide your own. The styles for the Register screen are shown in the image below:

Style elements in the Register screen
Style elements in the Register screen


For details about the Login feature, please check the Login SDK

Login Gate

For details about the Login Gate feature, please check the Login Gate SDK

Edit profile

Edit profile architecture

The general architecture of the Edit profile screen
The general architecture of the Edit profile screen

  • EditProfileActivity is the entry point to the edit profile screen.
  • EditProfileFragment is the main fragment for edit profile screen.
  • EditProfileView is the main view for edit profile screen.
  • EditProfileViewModel is the edit profile ViewModel.
  • ProfileChangesHandler calculates if there is changes in the profile.

Edit profile view breakdown

The Edit profile screen is broken down into different views:

The Views in the Edit profile screen
The Views in the Edit profile screen


Edit profile view styles breakdown

The recommended way of styling Edit profile screen is by using App Styling. If you need more granular customisation, you can override the specific style and provide your own. The styles for the Edit profile screen are shown in the image below:

Style elements in the Edit profile screen
Style elements in the Edit profile screen