Migrating to Web Checkout v7
In JS Bridge v6 and below, Poq used a bespoke implementation to create Apple Pay buttons that worked natively in an iOS web view. Apple blocked the use of Apple Pay on the Web due to potential security issues of using evaluateJavaScript
script injection in WKWebView
From Poq Platform 19.1 on iOS and JS Bridge v7 onwards, Poq have implemented methods that allow native Apple Pay buttons to operate in the Poq Web Checkout process by communicating with your website via cookies and form requests.
1. Enable Apple Pay on the Web
If you haven't enabled Apple Pay for users on Safari already, implement Apple Pay on the Web.
2. Update the JavaScript snippet
To migrate your web checkout, update the JavaScript snippet to the following:
<script> !function(p,o,q){var n=p.PoqWebCheckout={q:[]},i=["options","send","on","destroy"];function r(e,a){var n=o.createElement(q);q=o.getElementsByTagName(q)[0],n.src=["https://assets.poq.io/web-checkout",e,"min.js"].filter(function(e){return!!e}).join("."),n.async=1,n.crossOrigin="anonymous",a&&(n.integrity=a),q.parentNode.insertBefore(n,q)}function a(e){var a;return(null===(a=document.cookie.match("(^|;)\\s*".concat("poq.webcheckout."+e,"\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)")))||void 0===a?void 0:a.pop())||""}i.forEach(function(e){n[e]=function(){n.q.push([e,arguments])},n[i[0]]=function(e){e.debug&&r("",""),n.q.push([i[0],[e]])}}),p.poqWebCheckout={postMessage:function(e,a){"bridgesettings"===e&&(a=JSON.parse(a),n.q.push([i[0],[a]]),r(a.version,a.integrity))}};var c="{\"name\":\"ping\"}";p.android?p.android.postMessage(c):"ios"===a("platform")?r(a("version"),a("integrity")):p.webkit&&p.webkit.messageHandlers.poqWebCheckout.postMessage(c)}(window,document,"script")</script>
This new version of the snippet will check whether it is in a Poq app via cookies. It is also backwards compatible with Poq Platform 19.0 and below using JavaScript injection, so you don't need to worry about feature flagging for app release.
3. Remove applepayauthorized
event listener and poq-apple-pay-container
Replace the applepayauthorized
event listener with the paymentcompleted
event that you have probably already have implemented for non-apple pay transactions. When the Apple Pay on the Web transaction has completed, call paymentcompleted
to complete the transaction normally.
Remove the container that holds the Poq Apple Pay button from your web checkout page.