Component module
The wishlist V3 component module includes all the domain and data logic required for wishlist. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle
implementation ("com.poqstudio:components.wishlistv3:$VERSION_NAME")
These are the available interactors in the wishlist component:
- AddToWishlist
- DeleteWishlist
- DeleteWishlistItemsIds
- GetWishlist
- ObserveIsWishlisted
- ObserveWishlistHasChanged: It emits an event when there is a change on the Wishlist. It is used to refresh Wishlist screen when the wishlist change.
- ObserveWishlistItemCount
- RefreshWishlistItemsIds: It refreshes the stored WishlistItemsIds in case there is wishlist synchronization in place.
- RemoveFromWishlist
- WishlistUpdater: It observes changes, such as user changes, to update the wishlist accordingly.