Firebase dynamic links
To start using Firebase dynamic links you need to:
- Include the Firebase dynamic links module to your
.implementation ("com.poqstudio:content.firebasedynamiclinks:$VERSION_NAME") - Add SHA-256 certificate fingerprint to you Firebase project.
- Add your
obtained from the Firebase console to thesrc
folder. - Add the following intent filter to the
to your manifest which will merge with the existing platform manifest.<activityandroid:name=""android:label="@string/app_name"android:screenOrientation="portrait"android:theme="@style/SplashTheme"><intent-filter android:autoVerify="true"><action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /><category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /><dataandroid:host="@string/firebase_dynamic_links_host"android:scheme="@string/firebase_dynamic_links_scheme"/></intent-filter></activity> - Override the XML String resources:
(String): to set the link host,
(String): to set the link scheme, i.e.https
(String): to set up iOS bundle id.firebase_dynamic_links_ios_app_store_id
(String): to set up ios app store idfirebase_dynamic_links_fallback_to_app_store
(bool): true by default, if a mobile user does not have the app installed will be redirected to the app store. If it is set to false the user will be redirected to the browser.
Platform module is configured to use FirebaseDeepLinkProvider
to resolve the Firebase dynamic link. Then, it will transform the link String with LinksViewModel
to a DeepLink
and navigate to the correct screen using LinksNavigator
Product detail SDK will also generate a Firebase dynamic link using FirebaseShareLinkProvider