Country config

CountryConfig, located in the core component module, is the representation of each country available on your app. It is mandatory to configure at least one country, the user will be prompted to select a country only when you specify more than one CountryConfig.

CountryConfig is configured via country_config.json located in the raw folder with the following format:

"id": String, // ID to identify this CountryConfig, i.e. "1"
"appId": Int, // AppId for this CountryConfig, i.e. 167
"appIdentifier": String, // AppIdentifier for this CountryConfig, i.e. "1234-asdf"
"versionCode": Float, // VersionCode for this CountryConfig, i.e. 12.0
"countryName": String, // Country name, i.e. "United Kingdom"
"countryIsoCode": String, // Country ISO code, i.e. "GB"
"currencySign": String, // Currency sign, i.e. "£"
"currencyCode": String, // Currency code, i.e. "GBP"
"gaTrackingId": String, // Google analytics tracking ID
"fbAppId": String, // Facebook analytics ID
"loginGateEnabled": Boolean // Whether login gate is enabled in Cart or not


These are the available interactors to interact with the CountryConfig: