1 min read


InputFormFields are a set of views made to create form screens easier. All these views have in common the interface InputFormField<T> where T is the class type to be validated. The available InputFormFields are:

It also provides an extension function to find and validate all InputFormFields found as descendants of a ViewGroup, not necessarily direct descendants. This method simplifies adding new InputFormFields to existing PoqSDK form screens, you can add new fields to the layout without needing to call validate() for each new view.

fun ViewGroup.validateAllInputFormField(): PoqResult<Unit, List<InputFormField<*>>>

InputFormFields are included in the account.inputform module which is included by platform module. If you need to include this module, add it to your build.gradle:

implementation ("com.poqstudio:account.inputform:$VERSION_NAME")


InputFormFields work through Validation objects which can be added to the InputValidator of each InputFormField via the addValidation(validation: Validation<T>) method. The Validation class is compose of:

  • ErrorMessage: it can be a text or an id of a String resource for the text to be displayed when the validations fails.
  • Validation function (T) -> Boolean: T is the value to be validated. Returns false if it is not valid, true otherwise.

These are the available Validations in the PoqSDK:

You can create your own Validation creating a class that extends the Validation class.

How to create a custom InputFormField

If you need to implement a new InputFormField, you can:

  • Add more Validations to an existing InputFormField.


  • Extend one of the available InputFormFields.

  • Create a new one from scratch. To create a new one you need to:

    1. Create a custom view that implements InputFormField<T> where T is the class type to be validated.
    2. Provide an implementation in your custom view for InputValidator<T>, you can use the generic PoqSDK implementation PoqInputValidator<T>
    3. Add as many validations as you need in your view calling inputFormField.addValidation(validation: Validation<T>)
    4. Implement validate() in your custom view calling inputValidator.validate(T)

As an example, if you need to create an inputFormField for a SwitchMaterial, you can do:

class CustomInputFormField : SwitchMaterial, InputFormField<Boolean> {
constructor(context: Context) : super(context)
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?) : super(context, attrs)
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)
override val inputValidator: InputValidator<Boolean> = PoqInputValidator() //You can inject this with Koin
init {
override fun validate(): Boolean = inputValidator.validate(isChecked)