2 min read


Last Updated - Platform 20.0 - SDK 15.0

The PoqSDK is a package that consists of a single core framework and a collection of feature frameworks. See features and integrations for available frameworks.

Integrations are separate packages, which consist of a single framework, that depend on the PoqSDK and the wrapped 3rd party SDK.

Add a package to your app

Before you begin make sure you have the following information. This information is specified as part of the integration set up guides that link here.

  • The package name
  • The package URL
  • The package version (or leave as default)
  • The framework name(s)
  1. Open your Project.yml.
  2. Add the package to the packages section.
Poq{Package}: # Replace with the correct package name; e.g 'PoqSDK'.
url: https://github.com/poqcommerce/Poq.iOS.{sdk}.git
from: 0.0.0 # Replace with the desired version; e.g. '20.0.0'.
  1. Add the framework(s) to your app's templateTarget (or target) section's dependencies.
- dependencies:
- package: Poq{Package}
product: Poq{Framework}
  1. Regenerate your project and check that the framework is linked to your target.

You have added the package to your app. Return to the SDK or integration set up page and follow the remaining steps to complete set up.

Add a framework to your app

Before you begin, make sure you have completed the PoqSDK installation steps and that you have the following information. This information is specified as part of the feature set up guides that link here.

  • The package name (usually PoqSDK)
  • The framework name(s)
  1. Open your Project.yml.
  2. Add the desired framework(s) to your app's templateTarget (or target) section's dependencies.
- dependencies:
- package: PoqSDK
product: Poq{Framework}
  1. Regenerate your project and check that the framework is linked to your target.

You have added the framework to your app. Return to the framework specific set up page and follow the remaining steps to complete set up.

Framework customisation

Builders are the main setup and customisation point of most features. Custom states can be specified using the builder's generic parameter. Custom view controllers can be returned from a build function by inferring the class.

Containers can be used to customise services, mappers, views and more by modifying your AppModule to inject custom implementations into Container.shared.

Next steps