1 min read


Last Updated - Platform v23.1


The Contact is set for logged in users as their ExternalID, or PoqUserID if no external identifier is provided.
The Contact is cleared for Guest users.

Note: Contact tracking has been temporarily disabled in the initial release of 23.1 as it causes the Inbox to stop working. This can be reenabled via platform specific settings or customisation but is likely to break the Inbox feature.


All poq events are forwarded to Emarsys except for the following events that are tracked separately as Emarsys Predict events. Predict events use explicit tracking functions provided by the Emarsys SDKs.


Replaces the viewBag event sent when the user views their Cart. This is also called when the user adds an item to, or updates, their Cart but it does not replace these events.

- itemId: sku # PRD28104D-RED-M
price: price # 12.99
quantity: quantity # 1
- itemId: sku # PRD0492S-B
price: price # 2.49
quantity: quantity # 2


Replaces the viewPlp event sent when the user navigates to the Product List, via a category, from the Shop screen or a category search suggestion.

categoryPath: category_tree # dresses>petite>new-in

Replaces the viewSearchResults event sent when the user navigates to the Product List from a search result.

searchTerm: search_term # summer

Replaces the viewPdp event sent when the user navigates to a Product Details screen.

itemId: product_id # PRD28104D


Replaces the order event sent when the user makes a successful purchase.

orderId: order_id # ORD12948183402
- itemId: sku # PRD28104D-RED-M
price: price # 12.99
quantity: quantity # 1
- itemId: sku # PRD0492S-B
price: price # 2.49
quantity: quantity # 2