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How to remember all the setup steps

Going through all the configuration steps is not an easy process and may become quite competitive doing it for the first time. We have added a checklist that should help you navigate through the full setup process and not to forget things.


  • Access to Github
  • Access to Azure Cloud
  • Access to Azure Devops
  • Any required configuration from Client side, such as API keys for example and etc
  • Access to BFC API template

Steps checklist

  1. Generate BFC API from template
  2. Configure and run it locally
  3. Create Github Repository to hold BFC API code
  4. Submit the PR
  5. Merge the PR
  6. Create Development infrastructure using Terraform
  7. Create Build pipeline in Azure DevOps
  8. Create Release Pipeline in Azure Devops
  9. Release code to Development
  10. Create routing for BFC API on Development using Terraform
  11. Make sure that routing works as expected
  12. At this point you are free to develop all the required changes and put them to Development using steps above, once done and approved by QA you are ready to move code to Staging
  13. Create Staging infrastructure using Terraform
  14. Update Release Pipeline if required with Staging environment release step
  15. Release code to Staging
  16. Create routing for BFC API on Staging using Terraform
  17. Make sure that routing works as expected
  18. At this point once all the tests are done against Staging and approved by QA you are ready to put code to Production
  19. Create Production infrastructure using Terraform
  20. Update Release Pipeline if required with Production environment release step or multiple steps for cross regional deployment
  21. Release code to Production
  22. Create routing for BFC API on Production using Terraform
  23. Make sure that routing works as expected
  24. Review Production infrastructure setup prior to gong live and recreate/upscale resources accordingly
Congratulations, your BFC API is now ready to go Live.