
Last Updated - Platform v23.1

Emarsys is a customer engagement platform that provides remote notifications and more. We provide Android and iOS frontend integrations for Emarsys.

Set up


Take care when testing notifications.

Test using notifications that could pass as real live notifications as this will be less negative if accidentally sent to a full audience. For example:

Treat yourself to something great!


Our integrations forward all poq events modifying some for the Emarsys Predict feature.


Our integrations use the poq Message Inbox UI and integrate with the Emarsys SDK API to provide a way to reach audiences with messages. Messages are non-html content that consist of an image, title, text and actions that perform deeplink navigation.

To use the inbox add a CMS inbox deeplink to the Account screen. Unread inbox messages will present a badge on the link and Account tab.


  • v19.0 - Initial release of Emarsys integrations.
  • v23.1 - Added the Message Inbox feature.