App Styling

Last Updated - Platform 18.1 - SDK 13.0

App styling is a feature built into the PoqSDK to impose a consistent theme on your app. Themes are modified through the Poq AppManager web tool.

Updates to the AppStlyer are not automatically applied to the app. The following setup and an app release are required before changes are visible.

When creating custom views we advise using our frontend app styling API to impose your theme consistently.

Before you begin

Before starting make sure you have created, published and downloaded the theme for your app. You should have a zip file containing assets and a json theme file named similar to App_2020-08-13_10-21-41.json.

Make sure your json and zip files are in the same directory (usually downloads).

Set up your app's theme

Asset names will be different to those expected by the app. To make this process easier we offer the fastlane update_assets command via PoqTooling.

  1. Open terminal and cd to your repository.
  2. Enter the fastlane update_assets path: and drag your json to the end of the command.

The command should look similar to fastlane update_assets path:~/Downloads/App_2020-08-13_10-21-41.json.

  1. Run the command and wait for it to complete.
  2. Run your app to validate that your styling has been applied.

You have styled your app using app styling.

Next steps