Integration with BFC

Poq.Sfcc.Integration namespace contains services, interfaces, extensions and converters which allow to implement BFC solution integrated with Poq API and OCAPI API. Usually such integration would use Poq API as data source and refresh information from/to OCAPI.


Services provided by Poq.Sfcc.Integration SDK are tightly integrated with Poq SDK and Poq API.

List of Available Services

  • CartTransferService

    Transfers cartItems of guest user cart stored in Poq API to sfcc basket, so basket is later available in checkout.

  • CustomerOrdersService

    Caches and returns customer orders. ICache instance is required to use this service efficiently.

  • Search Service

    Search Service can used to shorten implementation effort of PLP page by customizing only the required parts of data merging between feed & Sfcc OCAPI.

  • Product Service

    Product Service can be used to shorten implementation effort of PDP page functionalities by customizing only small portion of code responsible for updating feed product information with fresh data from OCAPI.

  • CheckoutService

    CheckoutService handles checkout through the /checkout/start endpoint of the Poq Platform. It is specifically intended to simplify the checkout process for Sfcc integrations. In order to use this service, a custom implementation of the ICheckoutSettingsProvider interface (available as part of the SFCC SDK) must be registered.

  • Cart Service

    Cart service is designed to provide default handling of AddToCart, UpdateCart and GetCart endpoints for Poq api. Customizations are supported on items in cart and response generated by the service.