Get Started

Before you get started, please ensure you have the correct Poq-provided username and password to access the artifacts.

Gradle setup

  1. Add the nexus repository to your root build.gradle using your Poq-provided username and password.
    allprojects {
    repositories {
    url ""
    credentials {
    username NEXUS_USERNAME
    password NEXUS_PASSWORD
  2. Add the library you want to include in your project.
    • Using the command below, replace \$library with, for example platform.
    • Replace \$versionName for the version you require, for example 1.0, check platform repository to check the latest version.
      implementation "com.poqstudio:$library:$versionName"

See the source code

To see the source code starting with Android Studio Iguana or the PoqSDK version 2024.SS-0.0, you need to:

  • Add to file android.experimental.additionalArtifactsInModel=true
  • Enable in Android studio Enable support for multi-variant Javadocs and Sources: Android studio -> settings -> experimental -> Enable support for multi-variant Javadocs and Sources