
Available from SS24

The Search feature is a core app feature allowing users to search for anything via a search bar that can be added to any screen. It uses our search predictions v2 API and contracts.


SS24 search deprecates and replaces the previous legacy platform search feature with new UI and result types.


Search supports predictions whilst the user types.

Requests are made after a searchMinCharacters (3 characters) is reached and a debounceInterval (1s) has passed to avoid making many requests too quickly. These settings can be changed via the Search.Settings properties.


Search supports 3 types of suggestions / results that can be returned by the API: category suggestions, popular searches, and suggested products (presented as a Product Carousel). It is also possible to add custom search result types using the custom type and custom data.

When the user taps a category or popular search (deeplink) they are saved in CoreData as the user's search history. These history items are presented as recent searches with a configurable recentSearchItemsLimit (7 items).


  • SS24: Initial release.